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NEW: Poll shows Sherrod Brown down 2 points to his opponent

Sherrod and Jim Obergefell Mark the Anniversary of Obergefell v. Hodges Decision

COLUMBUS, OH  – Today, on the nine year anniversary of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court decision that legalized gay marriage in the United States, Senator Sherrod Brown and “LGBTQ+ Ohioans for Sherrod” co-chair Jim Obergefell released the following statements:

“Nine years ago, the Supreme Court ruled to legalize gay marriage, but the LGBTQ+ community is still fighting for the equal rights we deserve. As we continue fighting for our rights and freedoms, we need elected leaders like Sherrod who always stand on our side. While I’m proud of the progress we’ve made, there’s still more work to be done,” said LGBTQ+ Leader Jim Obergefell.

“I’ve spent my career fighting for the dignity of every Ohioan – no matter who you are or whom you love. Thanks to Jim’s advocacy and tenacity, Ohioans have the freedom to marry whom they love. But our fight isn’t over. While too many politicians want to divide us, I’ll keep fighting to make sure every Ohioan is treated with the respect they deserve,” said Senator Sherrod Brown.

Sherrod has always fought for LGBTQ+ Ohioans to make sure they get the equal rights they deserve: 

  • Sherrod has been a longtime supporter of marriage equality and voted against the Defense of Marriage Act and helped pass the Respect for Marriage Act.
  • Brown led the Equality Act, which would expand federal civil rights protections and fight LGBTQ+ discrimination in housing and the workplace.
  • Sherrod has introduced a Senate resolution every year since 2017 to recognize June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month to highlight the contributions LGBTQ+ individuals have made to our communities and recommit to the fight for equality.
  • Sherrod urged the VA to improve data collection for LGBTQ+ veterans so health disparities in LGBTQ+ veteran populations can be identified, analyzed, and addressed.
  • The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) endorsed Sherrod for Senate.
  • The Buckeye Flame: Sherrod Brown launches LGBTQ+ coalition to support re-election campaign